Allegiance class star destroyer
Allegiance class star destroyer

allegiance class star destroyer

I was itching to get some real progress done on some of the commission work on my bench so I started with this one. If you are unsure of how to add the information or wish to contact me directly about this, please use Zone5email(at)gmail(dot)com. Thank you very much for your help in this matter. We are very sorry for the inconvenience and delays but we hope that it helps make for a better time for those who use the forums legitimately.

allegiance class star destroyer

If, after TWO WEEKS, you still haven't added any info, your account WILL be deleted as a suspected spammer. This request has been mentioned in the main forums as well.Īnd you can see some of the reasons why we are taking these measures in this thread. Without this information, there is a VERY good chance your account will not be approved. It's not so much about what you add or about "vetting" members (We probably spend less than a second looking at it), but purely an effort to keep out unwanted spammers. There must be something simple that you can add that would just illustrate that you are a genuine member and not a spammer? We can't say what to add because the spammers could just read this and find another way through.

allegiance class star destroyer

We're not asking for anything you are not comfortable to provide, or anything particularly sensitive. We are only interested in trying to differentiate legitimate members from possible spammers/ bogus accounts. This will help us confirm and activate your membership as soon as possible.-You can delete it as soon as we have activated your membership if you have any privacy concerns. In order to help us with this, it would be greatly appreciated if you could include some relevant information, of your own choice, in the personal details section of your profile. We have a problem with large numbers of spammers trying to access the site using bogus registrations, and we are taking measures to try and ensure that only valid members are allowed access. If you are waiting to have you membership at Zone Five activated or if you have found your account has been banned accidentally. Sorry for putting this in here but I thought it was the most likely place for most people to see it, and it seems that some may still not be reading the "sticky notes" posted at the top of the major forums. AWAITING MEMBERSHIP ACTIVATION OR ACCIDENTALLY BANNED?-PLEASE READ.

Allegiance class star destroyer